We would like to draw the attention of our valued clients to the forms and policy of complaints that can be found on MNB's website. You can also download them here:
The Act CXXXIX of 2013 on the National Bank of Hungary defines the supervision of the financial intermediary system and the protection of the interests of the users of the services provided by financial institutions as the task of the MNB (National Bank of Hungary).
In the framework of this activity, the MNB examines domestic and international market developments, monitors and supervises the legal operation of institutions, their communication channels and their content, assesses news about financial institutions and service providers through general press monitoring, and analyses information received as a result of the provision of statutory data. In order to build an informed consumer society and reduce misunderstandings and harm resulting from uninformed and incorrect consumer decisions, the MNB conducts proactive financial consumer information activities, operates a professional customer service and cooperates with partner institutions, as well as with civil society and the commercial and service sector. Information on financial matters that is useful in everyday life is available in the Financial Navigator information materials. The Financial Navigator toolkit consists of a consumer financial protection website, a series of thematic booklets, educational and one-minute short films, apps to help consumers choose products and make informed choices, and a mobile app. In addition to providing information to encourage informed financial decisions, the MNB also helps to handle complaints. The customer service staff at Krisztina körút in Budapest are available in person, by phone and in writing, while consumers living far from the capital can contact the experts of the Financial Navigator Advisory Office Network, which works with the MNB in several rural towns.
Financial Navigator. Guides you through your finances.